Read Extensively (English)

Target Audience: All Levels

Extensive reading is an effective learning method in learning not only vocabulary and expressions but also grammar and discourse patterns. This is because words, expressions and sentence patterns are repeated many times, and can be learned in a context. However, reading novels for example, may also be intimidating if they are not intended as a learning material.

In such cases, it may be helpful to use materials called graded readers. Graded readers are books which have been controlled in the complexities of vocabulary and grammar. This article introduces the positive aspects of using graded readers, based on an interview with a learner who makes use of this learning material.


The interviewee:
  1. Chose an understandable, interesting material;
  2. Focused on understanding English and avoided consulting the Japanese resources;
  3. Enjoyed learning and gained confidence.
How I Started Reading
  • The aim was to improve my reading score on the TOEIC test.
  • English textbooks are too large in size, so I wanted a book the size of a novel.
  • I liked reading so a graded reader was an appropriate learning material.
Selection of the Book
  • The priority was that the interviewee understood the language. I took advantage of the difficulty criteria according to the TOEIC scoring scale. I read the first few pages and chose one that I understood.
  • I narrowed it down based on how interesting I found it. As a result, I bought "Lupin." Since I liked detective stories, it suited me.
  • I avoided a material with a Japanese translation, as it could have made me focus too much on reading the Japanese instead of understanding the English.
How I felt
  • I progressed more smoothly than I had expected. It was a fresh experience, not having read even a few pages of English without a dictionary.
  • The story matched my interest. It felt more like just reading a story than learning English.
Change in the English Proficiency
  • I stopped feeling an aversion toward long passages. I'm not sure if my English improved or I simply became used to the reading.
  • Often I understood the meaning from the context. I tried not to look up the meaning even when I didn't understand it. This is true when reading in Japanese as well.
  • I felt a sense of accomplishment after the first book. It made me want to read more. I am currently listening to a third book.
  • If you really want to study extensive reading is a valid choice. It's easy to keep learning because you can work on this anywhere.
Graded readers can often be found at a bookstore with a moderate selection of English language learning materials (They are available at the writer's nearest bookstore). They are also available at Amazon Kindle Store.

Do you feel like reading books? Extensive reading will hep you improve your proficiency in various aspects. Have fun learning!

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